A Game from Start to Finish

05:Audio Creation

Sound fills the world with life
Audio Creation

There’s something special about a game’s sound that other game elements don’t have.
You see, sound is the only part of a game that jumps out at you from the screen, fills up the room where you’re playing, and pulls you in. This power is huge – with sound, you can draw everyone watching and listening all at once into the game world.
The job of an audio creator is making every single sound that flows out of a game, both sound effects and music, then deciding the perfect moment for these sounds to play.

What’s needed for audio creation

By singing or playing an instrument, everyone around you can enjoy the music you’re playing. When in a choir or orchestra, every person playing or singing gets to enjoy the excitement that comes with making music together.

Music is one of the few ways we have of understanding one another that doesn’t depend on where we were born or how old we are. As a way to bring us together, playing music is also far easier than using words.

Do you feel a little embarrassed when you sing or play an instrument? It’s a little embarrassing for everyone, at first. However, once you’ve experienced and gotten used to it, it can become the most enjoyable thing you can imagine, enough to send any kind of embarrassment flying.

The first step is simply to try to sing or play instruments with all your heart.

How to build up audio creation skills

Work hard at music

To sing or play an instrument requires lots and lots of practice. However, on top of that, it’s very important to have the ability to enjoy lots of different types of music, from classic to pop.
First of all, use your time well in music class and get to know lots of songs. In music class, every song you hear will be a great classic that’s been passed down the years to inspire each new generation. Open your ears and start off by enjoying the feel of the sound in the music.